Coffee Reading
Your free coffee shop
Our psychic offers you a cup of coffee. It is very hot, so you wait a few minutes before drinking it. Once your beverage is finished, you give your cup to the old woman. She is now able to read fortunes in the coffee grounds.
What is Tasseography?
Tasseography is the art of reading the future in coffee grounds (or tea leaves). It appeared first in Europe at the same time as the import of these beans with stimulating properties began. This divinatory practice really spread in the 18th century. It is therefore a fairly recent method of divination in western countries.
Coffee reading is preferably made from a Turkish coffee (because the grounds is much more concentrated). You have to drink the beverage with your left hand and leave some at the bottom. Then you have to turn the cup slowly. The symbol, which will then appear, will allow the psychic to inform you about your future.
Divinatory arts
The reading of the future is not only possible with coffee grounds. There are many other ways. Here are some examples:
- Arithmancy: Predictions are made by interpreting the numbers. Generally (but others or more sophisticated methods are possible), a person's first name and surname are used to generate several numbers. Then for each one there is an interpretation.
- Bibliomancy: You have to open a book to a random page and the reading of a paragraph (chosen with closed eyes) should guide you. The choice of the book will obviously have an impact on the prediction.
- Acultomancy: It is divination using needles, such as sewing needles (but you can also use small nails). A number of them should be randomly thrown on a flat surface. The shape or shapes produced will give you an indication about your future. This divination technique requires a good knowledge of geometric figures and their meaning because it is less intuitive than coffee reading.
- Cartomancy: Probably one of the most famous fortune-telling. It is divination by the drawing of cards. The card deck can be, for example, a 'Tarot de Marseille', but you can use a simple 52 card game as well. Each card has a different meaning. It is a method of fortune telling that is very complete.
- Alomancy: This form of magic focuses on salt.
There are two distinct methods:
- Take a handful of salt (preferably coarse salt) and throw it into a fire. The answer will be negative or positive depending on the intensity and length of the crackle produced.
- A handful of salt is thrown on the ground or on a table. The shape that will be sketched out will give you information about your future. This method of divination is very similar to tasseography, but the meaning of the symbols has partially disappeared over time.
- Palmistry: This way of predicting the future is also very popular. It consists in reading the palm.
The list is not complete but gives you an overview of what exists.
A few facts about coffee that you may not know
- Coffee was originally discovered in Ethiopia.
- The first espresso machine was patented in Turin (Italy) in 1884.
- A coffee tree live about 50 years.
- Finland is the world's biggest coffee-consuming country (Is it coming from the cold weather?).
- It is the second most consumed drink in the world after water.
- In bloom, the coffee tree is covered with more than 30,000 white flowers.
- When coffee appeared in Italy, the first reflex of the priests was to condemn this 'drink of Satan'. But Pope Clement VIII tasted it and liked it very much, giving his blessing.
- It stimulates the brain, improves memory and concentration.
- Beethoven, Voltaire, Balzac and Bach were coffee lovers. Bach even composed a work about it: "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht" also known as the "Coffee Cantata". This is a satire about the addiction to this drink which was very widespread in the 18th century in Europe.
- There are 900 different flavors of Arabica coffee.
- In 2001, Brazil, one of the world's leading coffee exporters, launched a coffee-flavoured postage stamp.
- To maintain the monopoly of production, the Arabs boiled the coffee beans so that the coffee could not be grown elsewhere.
- Coffee, which has stimulating properties, is also widely used in cosmetics.
- When coffee is roasted, it goes through the same chemical transformation as bread when it is baked.
- You can overdose by drinking (too much) coffee. About 70 cups for a 70 kilogram person can cause a heart attack.
- Coffee drinkers tend to live longer (but sometimes these kinds of studies may not be 100% reliable).
- Instant coffee has been around for about 250 years.
- The cat that has lived the older in the world, 38 years old, drank coffee every morning. Coincidence?
After all these information, that coffee grounds can be used to predict the future seems quite plausible to me!